Dress Yourself to Impress Yourself

When was the last time you got a new pair of shoes? If you’re lucky, your mom or dad may have taken you shopping and let you pick them out yourself. Can you remember what they looked like? Were they colorful and bright, or were they plain and simple? Were they comfortable, or did they hurt your feet? What brand were they? You may not remember all the details, but what your shoes actually looked like doesn’t really matter… What matters is how those shoes made you feel.

It’s always nice to get new shoes, clothes, and gear before the school year starts. Walking into the classroom knowing you’re wearing something nice and new can fill you with confidence and motivate you to do your absolute best. Now, what would happen if you wore your pajamas to school? You’d probably feel a little silly and out of place, right? You might even feel sluggish and way too relaxed to focus or get any of your schoolwork done. Believe it or not, the same rules apply to horseback riding! 

When you show up to your lessons in the right gear, you actually tend to ride better. Have you ever tried to ride in sneakers? They’re wiggly and soft, which makes it hard to keep your feet in the stirrups. Wearing boots helps to support your feet and makes stretching your heels down much easier. That’s not all though! Having the right gear doesn’t just make riding physically easier, but it can also motivate you to stay focused and ride with your best effort. Has Ms. Allie or Ms. Mary Katherine ever asked you to tuck in your shirt before your ride? That’s not just because they want you to look professional… They want you to FEEL professional too. Oftentimes we act the way we dress. By using the right gear and dressing professionally, we motivate ourselves to do our best, and then some, every single ride.


TIP #4

IEA season falls during a chilly time of year, so many of us want something warm to sip on the morning of a horse show… THIS DOES NOT MEAN THE CHILDREN SHOULD HAVE COFFEE. Coffee + Children under the age of 16 = Chaos for Ms. Sophia. 

Trust me, I was that child… Just have a hot chocolate, it tastes way better anyways :-)

TIP #5

Ask thoughtful questions! Before you ask your instructor a question, consider this; Have you tried finding an answer by yourself? Us instructors love to answer questions, just not questions that you may already know the answer to.  

TIP #6

Have you ever noticed that sometimes, no matter how much you curry and brush your horse, they’re still dusty? At home this is no problem, but at a horse show that simply won't do! Try gently wiping a damp rag over your horse's coat. This should help collect all that pesky dust! 


Ms. Mary Katherine loves pumpkin flavored anything; Pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pancakes… If you’re looking to earn some brownie points, try bringing her a pumpkin flavored treat :-)